
Exports and cooperatives: training courses are underway

The training initiative to strengthen the internationalization skills of cooperative enterprises with the support of ICE and MiSE is being launched. The first meeting in Turin on 25/27 October.

Exports and cooperatives: training courses are underway
As reported by the Ministry of Economic Development, the training initiative to strengthen the internationalization capacity of cooperative enterprises has begun with the support of ICE-Agenzia and in collaboration with the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives. The free courses offer targeted training on opportunities, tools and strategies for presence and consolidation in foreign markets. For this purpose, Market/Country Focus with ten markets and four core sectors was conceived.

Each meeting will take place over three days: after a first day dedicated to the principles of international marketing and foreign trade scenarios, two days dedicated to specific countries and sectors will follow.

The program is divided into four meetings:
  • Turin (25-27 October 2016)
  • Milan (November 2016)
  • Ragusa (January 2017)
  • Cagliari (February – March 2017)
The deadline for submitting applications is set at 7 days before the starting day of each course (applications to participate will be accepted, in chronological order, until all available places are filled).

Further information and forms at the following link.
