
Exports, Italy beats Germany and France

In the first six months of the year, Italian companies collected 16,5 billion euros more from exports than last year, clearly overtaking the Germans and doubling the French - For now, the percentage increase in exports is 8 % and the total collection from exports could exceed 450 billion euros in December

Exports, Italy beats Germany and France

If in terms of GDP Italy remains behind the main trading partners, despite its improvement, in exports the situation is reversed. Sales beyond national borders increased by 8% in the first six months of the year. The figure is certainly encouraging, and assumes greater importance when compared to the performance of the major continental economies. 

Germany records the progress of the first six months of 2017 at 6%, with a poorly performing June (0,7%), while for Paris the leap is only four percentage points. 

In the main non-EU outlet markets, Italian performance remains above average. Six-monthly exports to the United States stood at +9,9% (more than double growth compared to the whole of Europe), while to China +28%, ten points more than the aggregate European result. 

The progress of Italian exports in the first six months is equal, in absolute terms, to 16,5 billion euros. Making a projection for the whole year, in December collections could exceed 450 billion euros. 
