Expert System: US orders +82% in 2014

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The presence of Expert System in the United States. The Italian software house, active in the development of semantic software for the management of Big data, recorded an increase of 82% on an annual basis in American orders in 2014, going from 1,4 million euros to 2,5 million.

Annual subscription licenses and maintenance fees (orders of the recurring component) also increased, substantially doubling from 1,9 million in 2013 to 3,6 million in 2014, as well as orders for user licenses, which from 3,1 to 5,7 and increase their incidence in the company's turnover, from 27% to 44%.

The Italian company, led by CEO Stefano Spiaggiari, is also evaluating further growth opportunities, after the opening of the branch in England and the birth of Expert System Iberia, following the acquisitions of the ICM and iLab divisions of iSOCO in Spain.

Meanwhile, the stock of Expert System (listed in the Aim segment since 2013) runs to Piazza Affari, recording an increase of more than 3% in the late morning, on a very positive day so far for the Italian stock market. 

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