
Former Ilva: it is urgent to guarantee production continuity and put it back in Italian hands. Relaunching is difficult but not impossible

The history of the former Ilva of Taranto demonstrates that the interest of the Indian private partners was not that of development but of the neutralization of the plant. Now the government is calling private Italian industrialists, unions and banks to a table to outline the paths to recovery together

Former Ilva: it is urgent to guarantee production continuity and put it back in Italian hands. Relaunching is difficult but not impossible

La production continuity of Settlements of Ilva it is the great test, demanding but not impossible, facing the country's industrial system. The degradation of the largest plants in Europe and the management weakness now measured in all its effects are not today's history.

It was thought that the inglorious end of Terni steel was a parenthesis, an accident, a distraction... Just reread some critical articles, which appeared several times on FIRST online, to understand that the operation with the two big Indian players, Mittal in Taranto and Jindal in Piombino, was the beginning of a path that led to today's disaster.

Tens and tens of billions were burned in the furnaces of the two steel sites. The fugitive strategies of the two Indian entrepreneurs were pursued without understanding their main interest: that of promoting their consolidated interests now widespread in Northern Europe, their strategic productions at home and the consequent penetration into the rich European market with some tolerance for the aggressive Turkish steel industry all aimed at countering the traditional market of Italian private individuals.

The new Indian masters found themselves joined at the top by a inadequate Italian management all government-appointed. All this has led the country to the risk of closing a strategic asset for the Italian manufacturing industry. This consideration and the well-founded reason for its reality oblige us to immediately implement every economic, organizational and strategic effort aimed at quickly returning the Ilva plants to Italian hands.

We remind you that slabs, coils, construction steels and the entire downstream processing chain are completely absent in the production carnets of the Italian private steel industry. Only Arvedi, in Cremona, with an electric oven process has put itself on that wavelength of research, quality and innovation that has always characterized public productions. But it is small in terms of quantity, production capacity, range of products to meet and satisfy the demand of the Italian mechanical industry and the protection of Mediterranean markets.

Now the capacity and authority of the Italian government will be measured

Today, Ilva measures the capacity and strategic authority of the Government, of Parliament and of the entire business world of the country. Ilva must be quickly rescued from the misgovernment of the Mittals and from the culpable uncertainties of the Italians who have supported the majority shareholder in these long years, often in silence. Whatever it takes! The efforts and commitments will be paid not only in economic terms but also in the possible legal implications underlying the commercial relationships with the Mittals who are certainly determined to resist their passive management. The latter is a front (Courts, Courts of Justice, international awards) that demands firmness and the image of a country decidedly based solely on the defense of the plants and the relaunch of Italian steel.

It won't be an easy job if you just think about the tons of stamp papers, warranty notices, forced shutdowns of the plants spent, in recent decades, in the Courts of Taranto and elsewhere, and to counteract the green mobilizations all committed to chasing a utopian sweet decline…. In the coming weeks, with clear ideas, it will be necessary to implement a clear and clear strategy in communicating the projects and commitments that await Taranto and the supply chain. Projects and commitments that cannot and must not be called into question by protests in the Tamburi district (which must be relocated) or by speculative maneuvers in the areas of Taranto, Genoa or Trieste whose ports must remain firmly connected to productive and non-productive activities simple Chinese container terminals.

The involvement of all Italian steelworkers is needed

The minister who has the burning dossier in his hands calls, without emphasis but with an authoritative decision, all the Italian private steelworkers (now just under a dozen) whose production has no reason to compete with the relaunch of Taranto and explicitly asks them for a involvement of commitment, of ideas in management, not on the basis of capital but on the basis of organizational and market experiences.

The union and financial institutions must be recalled

You try to involve the trade union in an action of collective responsibility in the defense (today) of work and in the prospect (soon) of a consolidated relaunch. Call the financial and banking system Italian to an operation of responsible assistance in the repayment of expired loans and in the formation of competitive credit lines to return forcefully to the international markets. You empower new professionals in the vital centers of the integral cycle and in the Ilva supply chain by valorising the most authoritative and credible figures gained in factory life and work experience. Put men and women of solid personality at the top. Professionals at work, able to question themselves every day. Forget about the long CVs of those who have trod above all the corridors of the powerful people of the moment but not those of the company departments. The work of relaunching Ilva is difficult but not impossible.
