
Government Euthanasia, But When?

Growing tension between Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio – “I have lost faith” says the former. "You have to apologize to me" replies the other. But then they back off. The Quirinale for now observes but reflects on the safety of the Budget law - Hot weekend and yet another stop and go on the government crisis

Government Euthanasia, But When?

Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio but so much at loggerheads and close to breaking. Low blows, poisonous messages, Russiagate: is the government really hanging in the balance? "I have also lost personal trust," says the interior minister. "Salvini must call me and apologize," replies the Minister of Development. The Quirinale carefully observes the developments which, Colle suggests, must not in any case prejudice the budget manoeuvre. Therefore, if there must be a crisis, let it be decided by the weekend: the deadline is between Saturday and Sunday for secure the budget law.

The escalation of the Lega-M5S tension has reached the danger level. We argue about everything and the vote for the election of the president of the European commission, Ursula von der Leyen, which has lined up the League on the No and the M5S instead in favor of the Yes, has detonated the tensions that have kept the majority blocked for months. "M5S betrayed the majority and voted with the Democratic Party". But with what prospects? The suspects of maneuvers for an upcoming M5S-Pd turnaround that someone in the Dems, too, would welcome, would lead to a bogus alliance. The elections are better and we therefore return to thinking about them. Salvini's accusations rebound on Di Maio and the clash grows in tone, so much so that the number two of the League has formally renounced his candidacy for EU commissioner and has informed the President of the Republic. A meeting that probably also served to evaluate itineraries and timing of a possible government crisis.

The Quirinale certainly does not enter the fray. Rather he reflects on two needs: to ensure, after a quick round of consultations that would certify the non-existence of alternative majorities, an electoral campaign in the right time, between 45 and 70 days (and two abundant months are essential for the Italians to vote in abroad); go to the polls in September and thus secure the budget, avoiding the provisional budget exercise and allowing Palazzo Chigi to reassure Brussels.

It will therefore be a decisive weekend or yet another stop and go of a shattered majority? “I rule out that there may be a crisis, they have always taught me: do no harm, fear not. We have to carry out important reforms”. Thus the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Luigi Di Maio tries to mend (the M5S certainly not worth going to the elections). And he asks Salvini for a meeting: "Better to see each other, rather than talk to each other, it is right that we meet". Salvini, however, flew to Helsinki and today, he announced, he will not be at the council of ministers or at the summit on differentiated regional autonomy stranded in the conflicts between the two deputy prime ministers.
