
Eurozone: 2016 GDP confirmed at +1,6%

The European statistical institutes confirm their estimates despite the result of the Brexit referendum – Consumption will push the growth of GDP in 2016 – European lists are running.

Eurozone: 2016 GDP confirmed at +1,6%

Il GDP ofEurozone will grow by 1,6% in 2016. This is stated by Ifo, Insee and Istat, the statistical institutes of Germany, France and Italy, which confirmed the estimates prior to the referendum Brexit, which speak of a growth of 0,3% in the second quarter, 0,4% in the third and 0,3% in the fourth, for an expected average growth of 1,6%

The effects of the British referendum, therefore, would be dampened, at least initially, even if the statistical institutes confirm that "The result of the referendum has increased uncertainty about the economic prospects of the Eurozone: while the short-term effects, referring predominantly to foreign trade, should be contained and limited to the fourth quarter, the medium-term effects will be conditioned by the nature of future agreements between the United Kingdom and the EU".

GDP growth in 2016 will be driven above all by consumption, which benefits from the improvement in the labor market and the low level of prices. Investments are also growing, while inflation should improve, which could rise to 0,7% towards the end of the year.

The confirmation of the GDP estimates, also in the light of Brexit, have benefited the European lists: Milan marks an increase of 1,88%, Frankfurt 1,34% and Paris 1,52%. London also did well, +1,47%.
