
"Europe, challenge for Italy": the book by Dassù, Micossi and Perissich with testimonials from Draghi and Padoan

Since 20 April, “Europe, challenge for Italy” has been in the bookstores. The text - edited by Maria Dassù, Riccardo Perissich and Stefano Micossi - can count on the testimonies of leading figures on the Italian and world scene in the political and economic field, including Monti, Bini Smaghi and Boeri. The intent is to provide authoritative ideas and proposals for tackling the knots of the economy

"Europe, challenge for Italy": the book by Dassù, Micossi and Perissich with testimonials from Draghi and Padoan

60 years after the birth of the European Union, the book “Europe, challenge for Italy” collects points of view and testimonies of those who have worked for Europe and still contribute to its growth.
It is an indispensable reading to be able to orient oneself in the panorama of contemporary issues, which offers the possibility of entering into the specifics of the challenges that the "old continent" is having to face today, between centrifugal movements and Brexit

The text – edited by LUISS University Press and available in bookstores from April 20 – was edited by Marta Up there (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Monti and Letta governments), Riccardo Perissich, one of the leading experts in international relations and for a long time present in the EU Commission in Brussels, and Stefano Mycossi, managing director of Assonime. 

“Europe, challenge for Italy” can count on testimonies and points of view of key figures of Italian and international institutionsincluding Mario Monti, Mario Draghi, Tito Boeri, Sabino Cassese, Pier Carlo Padoan, John Toniolo, Marcellus Messers, Fabrizio Saccomanni, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, and others. 

No one better than these authors can understand both international crises and the internal balance of power, being able to formulate political-economic actions and proposals aimed at solving recent problems


