
Europe: the sovereigns do not break through but the Populars and Socialists without a majority

The national populists of Salvini, Le Pen and Farage have obtained a clear affirmation, and together with them Orban in Hungary, but the Popolari are confirmed as the first group, followed by the Socialists

Europe: the sovereigns do not break through but the Populars and Socialists without a majority

La Alloy it is stated as the first party in Italy and in Europe, Le Pen beats Macron (24% against 21%) in France, Farage wins hands down in Great Britain and Orban collects 52%, but, despite these undoubted victories, the sovereignists do not break through in Europe and remain in opposition in the new Parliament.

They remain in the lead the Populars, which are confirmed the first group in the European Parliament with 180 seats, followed by Socialists (152), come on liberals of the Alde (105) and from Verdi (67). By themselves the Populars and Socialists do not have a majority but, by allying themselves, as is probable, with liberals and greens, who have achieved significant success especially in Germany, they should be able to put it together.

There is no doubt that the national populists of Salvini, Le Pen and Farage have obtained a clear affirmation, and together with them Orban in Hungary, but overall the sovereignists do not break through and the traditional democratic and pro-European forces have managed to stem them and will still succeed once again aimed at governing. But nothing will be as before in the European Parliament.
