
Eurogroup to Italy: new measures are needed for the deficit

According to the economic ministers of the Eurozone, "measures would be necessary to allow for an improvement in the structural effort" of the budget – The match has however been postponed to March.

Eurogroup to Italy: new measures are needed for the deficit

As for the European Commission, also for the Eurogroup the 2015 budget "risks not complying with the requirements of the Stability Pact". This was the conclusion of the economic ministers of the Eurozone who met this morning in Brussels to express an opinion on the budgets of the individual states. 

According to the Eurogroup, "measures would be necessary to allow an improvement in the structural effort" of the budget, given that according to the Commission's analysis (different from that of the government) the structural effort to reduce the deficit/GDP in 2015 will be equal to 0,1 0,5% of GDP, "while XNUMX% is required under the rules of preventive surveillance". 

The choice of the conditional reflects the desire not to give an immediate deadline on the additional measures to be taken, above all because the entity of these measures has not yet been specified, even if it is between 0,2% and 0,4-0,5 % of GDP. At the moment, however, everything is postponed to March
