
Euler Hermes: new partnership to support SMEs

The insurance giant has stipulated an agreement with the Cariparma Crédit Agricole Group capable of improving the creditworthiness of companies and facilitating their access to short-term credit, also thanks to the new Food Più product.

Euler Hermes: new partnership to support SMEs

It's last Monday news of stipulation of a commercial partnership between two leading operators in their respective fields such as the Cariparma Crédit Agricole Group and Euler Hermes, able to offer companies a new strategy for safe business development. In the current macroeconomic context characterized by still unsatisfactory economic forecasts for 2013 (with the Italian GDP expected at almost -1%), growth in missed payments and corporate insolvencies (+2% in 2013 with around 12.700 cases), knowledge of the market and relevant information becomes a decisive factor in increasing the effectiveness of corporate decision making and risk hedging processes, where banks and credit insurance companies can create a system to facilitate and support access to credit for SMEs.

From the newly signed partnership was born a product distributed exclusively by the Banking Group branch network and designed specifically for companies operating in the agri-food chain, one of the main business areas for Cariparma Crédit Agricole. The common project, called Food Più allows customers of the banking institution to enjoy guarantees that are unique on the market. From this point of view, the solidity and solvency of Euler Hermes will be able to guarantee the invoices brought in advance to the Bank by the client company, thus improving their creditworthiness. Furthermore, the insurance guarantee proposed by Euler Hermes, by indemnifying customers in the event of insolvency of one or more debtors, also facilitates access to short-term credit at the Institute.
