
EU-Mercosur trade deal: consumers and farmers divided between pros and cons

The free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur divides Europe: consumers see it as an advantage, while farmers are worried about the consequences. In Italy, 80% support the agreement

EU-Mercosur trade deal: consumers and farmers divided between pros and cons

consumers on one side, farmers e breeders on the other hand. What divides them in Europe is theEU-Mercosur agreement. Yes, just as protests are rekindling in Europe with the roar of tractors accompanied by bellowing cows and calves against thefree trade agreement with Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay e Uruguay, here is a survey of Eurobarometer (which conducts surveys for the European Commission) dedicated to the common agricultural policy which highlights how in Europe practically seven out of ten people (71%) see it as a good thing for the consumer, and therefore for their shopping cart, to have agreements with third countries to buy agri-food products and food to put on the table.

Italian consumers among the most in favor of free trade agreements 

Of course, the agricultural world has its own reasons for being against free trade with both Mercosur and Ceta (agreements with Canada) and for saying worried for the negative consequences. And that's why people in France, Belgium, and Poland are remobilizing after the protests of the past months.

But the concerns and fears of the agricultural world for an agreement that aims to open the European market to products such as meat bovine, poultry e rice they are far from the feeling of consumers.

Let the numbers speak. To the respondents were asked whether, as consumers of food products, trade agreements have been positive or negative: well, among those who consider them "very positive" (15%) and those who consider them "rather positive" (56%), the figure reaches 71%, that is, 7 people out of 10 who express a favorable opinion. Not only for the individual consumer, but for Europe itself. In fact, two thirds of EU citizens (66%) believe that having agreements is good for European agriculture, between those who declare it very strongly (13%) and those who declare it in a generally positive way (53%). But it is above all the Italian consumers the most convinced of agreements with third countries: as much as 80%.

Critical voices of Italian agriculture: a conflict of interests

A disconnect with the productive world. In Italy practically the entire agricultural sector had made its critical voice heard. The main concerns concern the impact resulting from greater openness to imports of agri-food products from Mercosur, in particular beef, poultry, rice, corn and sugar. Although it presented potential advantages for some sectors, the agreement was considered highly penalising for European and Italian production in terms of competition and food safety. For Confagricoltura the agreement between the EU and Mercosur "does not guarantee fairness and reciprocity in relations, nor protection for our agricultural model". A concept also reiterated by the National Rice Board, which urged "not to allow agri-food products obtained without respecting environmental and food safety standards into the European Union." It echoed Coldiretti, pointing out for example the "persistent gaps" in Brazil's controls on the use of hormones banned in the EU, as well as the dangers for crops, with 52% of the active substances used on corn in Brazil and Argentina that are banned in Europe, such as atrazine. And also Cia-Italian Farmers did not hide his fears for a "very unbalanced" agreement that "affects some sensitive sectors, which could suffer the foreseeable competition that Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay would be able to introduce". For agri-food cooperatives Copa Cogeca the agreement uses “agriculture as a bargaining chip to favor other sectors”.

Well, all these considerations have not found support among our consumers, who on the contrary have been among the most enthusiastic about free trade agreements. In total, 80% of the people interviewed by Eurobarometer promote agreements like the one with Mercosur: “very positive” for 22% and “positive” for 58% of Italian consumers.
