
ETFs, the Ftse Vietnam is the king of 2012 (+42,3%)

The Db Ftse Vietnam is the king of the ETFs listed on the Milan financial market: since the beginning of the year it has gained 42,3% – Followed at a distance by the Lyxor Leverage Dax (+ 28,7%). Lyxor StoxxAuto (+27%) and Lyxor Turkey (+23%), all featuring double-digit gains – Leveraged BTP ETFs gained 28%

ETFs, the Ftse Vietnam is the king of 2012 (+42,3%)

Other than Dax: the Vietnam Stock Exchange flies and the ETF connected to it does havoc and clearly conquers the leadership among the passive funds listed on the Italian Stock Exchange. DB Ftse Vietnam is its best year-to-date, gaining 42,3% so far. But he's not the only one to boast double-digit increases. Investors also had great satisfaction, who at the beginning of the year decided to bet on the German or Turkish Stock Exchange or on the automotive sector stocks, not to mention those who believed in the recovery of the BTPs.

The leveraged ETF linked to the Dax (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) achieved an increase of 2012% in 28,7, followed by the Lyxor ETF StoxxAuto (+ 27%) and the Lyxor ETF Turkey (+23%). ETFs linked to Asia are also doing well, especially India, the American Nasdaq and Mexico.

On the bond side, the most sensational performance was that of those who bet on the Btp: the Etf Lyxor Btp Leverage Lon collected a 28% increase
