
Summer, more assistance for those leaving and for the elderly at home: the Europ Assistance initiative

Enhancement of telephone healthcare assistance for those traveling and protection of family members who stay at home: these are two of the innovations announced by Europ Assistance in support of tourism

Summer, more assistance for those leaving and for the elderly at home: the Europ Assistance initiative

Enhancement of telephone health assistance for those on the move, protection of family members who stay at home. And again, on vacation, greater protection for pets and injury coverage for dangerous sports. Are some items on which Europ Assistance aims to support the recovery of tourism. Italians will soon start traveling again, but with great caution and choosing locations close to home. Between the security measures imposed and fears of contagion, this is the scenario envisaged for tourism in the Covid-19 mode. From a survey by Confturismo-Confcommercio, it emerges that for half of Italians, if on the one hand the desire to leave is high, on the other the fear is equally high.

One out of two Italians claims to be willing to travel “as soon as possible” provided that adequate sanitary measures are found; wanting to resume traveling alone or with the family, but with the certainty of being in conditions of safety and prudence. To respond to these new needs, Europ Assistance has redesigned the way it offers protection and security by extending insurance coverage even in the event of unforeseen events related to Covid-19. In the event of a trip to Italy, in addition to the reimbursement of medical expenses and medical assistance, it offers digital assistance which allows you to have a doctor always available, to be reached by telephone or video consultation.

For additional levels of security, the insurance company has also thought of those who want to protect their home from damage, theft and fire from afar, and guarantee 24-hour assistance to family members left at home. Or for those looking for greater protection for their 4-legged friends on holiday.

“The way we will travel in the coming months – he commented Mauro Cucci, Chief Travel & Personal Officer of Europ Assistance Italia – is changing very fast. The geography of travel is changing and the attention given to organizing it is also changing: health and safety have become two essential elements, not only at home but also when travelling. Europ Assistance Italia wanted to respond to these new needs with two insurance solutions, Extra and Viaggi Italia, which offer customers protection and assistance through simple and innovative services. Offering protection and assistance to our customers even in extremely difficult situations has always been a distinctive element of our strategy, our goal is to take care of our customers so that they can travel more and more safely even in difficult situations such as the ones we are experiencing today".
