
Exodus, everything to be redone: according to the Accounting Department, the money is not enough

For the State General Accounting Office, the resources identified in the amendment to the stability law presented to the Budget Commission in the Chamber by the speakers are insufficient – ​​The enlargement of the audience of the "safeguarded" would be excessive compared to the sums envisaged in the proposed modification.

Exodus, everything to be redone: according to the Accounting Department, the money is not enough

It seemed over, but the battle on exodus continues. The resources identified in the amendment to the stability law presented to the Budget Commission in the Chamber by the rapporteurs are insufficient. This was revealed by the State General Accounting Office, which considers the enlargement of the audience of "protected" excessive compared to the sums envisaged in the proposed amendment. Thousands of people, therefore, still risk finding themselves without a job or a pension.  

"The Accounting Department - report parliamentary sources - has asked for a rewriting of the amendment with more selective criteria". Under discussion "there would be points A, B and C of the amendment, while point D would have been rejected in its entirety".

In particular, the State Accounting Office would have rejected the point of the decree which also included "workers fired by 31 December 2011, also as a result of bankruptcy or other bankruptcy proceedings as well as termination of the company's provided they are unemployed".

On the contrary, the discussion on the other three types of safeguarded persons is still open. The first concerns "workers who terminated their employment relationship by 30 September 2012 and placed in ordinary mobility or in derogation following governmental or non-governmental agreements, stipulated by 31 December 2011 and who have completed the requisites useful for pension treatment by 31 December 2014”.

The second includes "workers authorized to voluntarily continue to pay contributions by 31 December 2011, even if they have carried out any activity not attributable to a permanent employment relationship after being authorized to continue voluntarily". This, however, given two conditions: that they have achieved a total gross annual income referred to these activities not exceeding 7.500 euros and that they complete the requisites useful for bringing about the start of the pension treatment by 31 December 2014. 

Finally, the third category which will be discussed again includes those workers who terminated their employment relationship by 30 June 2012, due to individual agreements or in application of collective redundancy incentive agreements entered into by 31 December 2011, even if, after termination, they have carried out any activity not attributable to a permanent employment relationship, provided that they have achieved a total gross annual income referred to such activities not exceeding 7.500 euros and that they complete the requisites useful for making the of the pension treatment by 31 December 2014.
