
Equitalia closes: discount also on fines and (perhaps) on VAT

The scrapping of tax bills does not provide for any discount on the amounts due, so the "semi-amnesty" should also include fines and local taxes - The VAT issue, which is "a European issue", is more complex

Equitalia closes: discount also on fines and (perhaps) on VAT

The partial amnesty on the Equitalia folders will almost certainly also include fines for violation of the highway code, i local taxes andVAT. This is the main novelty that emerges 24 hours after the presentation of the new budget law in Parliament.

Let's recap. A tax decree is linked to the manoeuvre, which provides, among other things, for a tax revolution for 2017. In essence, Equitalia closes its doors and the tax bills that still lie in his offices will be lightened.

The Minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, insists that the maneuver does not contain “neither amnesties nor amnesties for the evaders”. This is because (as in the case of the new voluntary disclosure on cash) citizens will have to pay off your debts in full with the state. Not only that: in the case of scrapped Equitalia folders, in addition to the unpaid tax, they will have to be paid including interest for late payment, which are in any case very low (about 0,5% per year).

The whiteout shot will land instead on default interest e on sanctions, which take effect from the moment the folder is notified and can double (or even triple) the amount due. The so-called “agio”, that is the commission that Equitalia imposes for its services. To date, if you pay the debt within two months of notification, this additional levy is worth 3% of the amount owed. For the most latecomers, however, it rises to 6 percent.

On balance, the savings for taxpayers will be by no means negligible. The problem is understanding what exactly the perimeter of this semi-amnesty is. From the very beginning it was assumed that it was about debts with the central tax authorities plus those with INPS e Inail.

As it regards instead car fines, “the problem is not to invade the taxing autonomy of the Municipalities – Padoan explained yesterday -. We can't be scrapped by empire." The same goes for the others as well local taxes. However, since the measure does not provide for any discount on the amounts due, the budgets of Municipalities, Regions and Provinces would not be affected, therefore it is probable that in the end the green light will arrive.

The issue is more complex for theVAT, which, as the minister recalled again, "is a European question", because part of its revenue is used to finance the EU budget. However, Padoan confirmed that the government is working to include the value added tax in the scrapping.

Finally, the number one of the Treasury confirmed that on duration of installments to cancel the past, "different options" are still at stake, even if up to now there has been talk of a maximum limit of 36 monthly installments, i.e. three years. In any case, according to Padoan, what matters most is the change coming to the collection mechanisms, "which will reduce the incentive to remain in arrears".
