
Berlusconi's umpteenth turnaround: the Pdl has second thoughts again and votes its trust in Letta

Berlusconi intervenes surprisingly in the Senate and announces yet another somersault: given the extent of internal dissent, the entire PDL will vote for confidence in the Letta government (later passed with 235 yes and 70 no) – With Alfano there were 25 pro-Letta senators – Now we await a very tough speech by the premier on the judicial affairs of the Cavaliere – The Stock Exchange celebrates.

Berlusconi's umpteenth turnaround: the Pdl has second thoughts again and votes its trust in Letta

"We have decided, not without internal turmoil, to express a vote of confidence in this government, to carry forward the institutional and structural reforms necessary for the country". Yet another twist by the number one of the PDL, Silvio Berlusconi, speaking in the Senate shortly before the vote of confidence in the Executive. Up until a few minutes before, a very different situation had arisen: the PDL seemed divided between hawks and doves. The former following the Knight, the latter led by the party secretary, Angelino Alfano. 

“After the elections – Berlusconi continued in front of the Palazzo Madama hall – we believed that the only solution in the country's interest was a government that would bring together the forces of the centre-left and the centre-right. We agreed to have only five ministers out of 23: we did everything we could, even in the hope that it could change the climate in our country, which someone had defined as a 'cold civil war', hoping that we could move towards some sort of peace. It is a hope that we have not given up. We still have it today." 

The former Premier then underlined that he had "listened carefully" to the commitments made by the Prime Minister on tax reduction commitments, especially as regards taxes on labour.

After these statements by the Knight, Piazza Affari accelerated upwards (+1,5%). 

"No backtracking," Berlusconi hastened to point out. But Gaetano Quagliariello is of a completely different opinion: "By now - said Minister Pidiellino - there are two incompatible ruling classes". 

In the end, the Letta government received the confidence of the Senate with 235 yes, 70 no and no abstentions. The Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, is now expected in the Chamber where at 16 pm he will carry out the communications already made at Palazzo Madama.  
