
Eni: budget approved, green light for widespread share ownership plan. Descalzi: “Irreversible energy transition”

Eni Assembly approves 2023 financial statements with net profit of 3,272 billion. Dividend of 1 euro per share and approval of a buyback plan of up to 3,5 billion. Green light for free shares for employees

Eni: budget approved, green light for widespread share ownership plan. Descalzi: “Irreversible energy transition”

The shareholders' meeting of Eni approved the 2023 budget, which closed with a profit of 3,272 billion euros. Profit that will be attributed to the available reserve. Approved the distribution of a annual dividend for 2024 equal to 1 euro per share.

The 2024-2026 widespread share ownership plan approved

The assembly then approved the 2024-2026 widespread share ownership plan, intended for all Eni employees. The board of directors was authorized to take all necessary measures to implement the Plan, including through delegates, and to have up to a maximum of 10,5 million treasury shares to support the implementation of the Plan itself.

Green light for the buy back program

It was also approved buyback program. The company's shares will be purchased in several installments for a period until the end of April 2025.

Il maximum number of shares to be purchased is 328 million, for a total outlay of up to 3,5 billion euros. Of these, up to 321,6 million will be allocated to shareholder remuneration and up to 6,4 million will be used for the widespread share ownership plan.

Sustainability report, what Descalzi said

“In the global context characterized by complex and constantly evolving dynamics, we are called upon to find answers to emerging socio-political, climate and energy challenges and provide our contribution, with an approach based on safety, innovation and sustainability” . He states it Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni, commenting on the publication of voluntary sustainability report 'Eni for 2023 – A Just Transition', which traces the progress made in the last year, highlighting, as stated in a note, "the company's commitment to promoting a fair energy transition, which aims for carbon neutrality by 2050". “Energy – explains Descalzi in the note – remains a crucial hub, with its meanings of security and development opportunities. The energy transition is irreversible – he continues – and we must guarantee its realization without sacrificing the competitiveness of the production system and social sustainability”.
