
Energy: from Gse 9 million to 8 sustainable Municipalities

Good practices and innovative projects, completed in 2019: here are the winners for sustainability - Among them Milan, which launched the energy requalification desk

Energy: from Gse 9 million to 8 sustainable Municipalities

Mayors faster than the government. It has happened to the Municipalities, in this complicated 2020, to demonstrate that they push on renewable sources more than they can do at a central level. Eight of them earned 9 million euros allocated by Energy Services Manager (Gse) as a prize to promote sustainable development, energy efficiency and the use of renewables.

Il Sustainable Municipalities Award it will be repeated again in 2021, perhaps with a greater endowment. It will certainly continue to be disbursed through the Conto Termico system. That procedure which authorizes local authorities to submit applications for the transformation and updating of public facilities

clear (B.S.), Cimadolmo (TV), Colecchio (PR), miglianico (CH), Montoro (Av), Saluzzo (CN), Prato e Milano (with a special mention) form the ranking of the virtuous 2020. Each in their own way ends the year well, as they have changed the energy structure of public buildings. Ultimately, they worked on projects with alternative sources and low consumption.

The system of the Energy Services Manager is accredited as a rewarding method, with respect to concrete cases. In four years it has disbursed 115 million in incentives for 8 interventions of various kinds. A response from below that the central structures of the state would do well to carefully evaluate. At least to adjust certain slow administrative behaviors in terms of environmental sustainability.

The City of clear, for example, has reached the primacy of public incentives, earning the tidy figure of three million euros. miglianico it is the first town in Abruzzo to be awarded a Plaque for Efficiency; Montoro, the only municipality in the South, has transformed all the municipal buildings in one year.

In the North he stood out Saluzzo, which with one million euros has converted schools, a swimming pool, the Carabinieri barracks and a library. A widespread efficiency competition with public resources without neglecting research and experimentation. The case of Cimadolmo it is emblematic for social surrender. The Iest, the European Institute for Technological Development, is located in the Veneto municipality and collaborates with the municipality to create a model of energy community. Those citizen-based energy exchange organizations that have been talked about for some time throughout Italy but with poor results.

Finally, Milano. The city, despite the high levels of air pollution due in part to public buildings, has benefited from the Conto Termico incentives. However, Mayor Sala must be acknowledged for having joined the PECC network in 2020 (collaboration between the Lombardy Region, ENEA and GSE) for an operational desk that promotes and supports energy redevelopment. The commitment of local administrations has proved to be fundamental in promoting widespread change and the growth of culture on energy conversion, says the GSE. To what extent the government wants to continue supporting it remains to be seen.
