If we focus on self-consumption, energy communities and active consumer roles, Italy will be able to gain other important positions in Europe towards energy sustainability objectives. The electricity market, like that of renewables, is in full evolution and the results of the conference "Prosumer: generation and efficiency in the light of the PNIEC”, organized by Elettricità Futura and FIRE, the organization for the rational use of energy bode well. The new Brussels directives on renewables and energy efficiency and the implementation of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan will help the industrial chain and create value for small and medium-sized enterprises. Going forward in the modernization of the widespread distribution system, every final consumer will be able to choose the energy supplier, keeping an eye on his wallet.
The self-production of energy that leverages good storage systems is a goal that is now achievable for millions of families. It's a good first example of a Green New Deal, said Luciano Barra of the Ministry of Economic Development. However, we need to simplify the current regulatory framework, added Andrea Zaghi of Elettricità Futura. In practice, it is necessary to regulate the new self-consumption systems, "avoiding an inefficient duplication of the network and envisaging that they are powered by renewables or high-efficiency cogeneration". Only in this way will the benefits be distributed on a large scale. Entire neighborhoods will have renewable sources and energy efficiency at their disposal, rendering a service at levels of environmental sustainability.
For Dario Di Santo of FIRE, energy saving and on-site generation with self-consumption represent the best possible solution with benefits for the individual and the community. Nothing obvious, however, why structuring a modern energy circuit requires widespread skills, such as those of energy managers, targeted tools and separate targets. In comparison, good indications also came from Arera and the GSE. Gervasio Ciaccia of ARERA, spoke of the changes in the regulatory framework to allow for a greater diffusion of energy self-consumption. For Luca Benedetti of GSE, the system will eventually make the bill lighter. And the GSE is preparing an online platform available to everyone to evaluate the costs, benefits and convenience of the investment. Cases that medium-small companies in particular evaluate with great scruple.