
Energy, Sorgenia switches to F2i

The goal is to create an energy center made up of gas and renewables: F2i also brings wind farms and biomass power plants as a dowry

Energy, Sorgenia switches to F2i

The banks they control Sorgenia (Mps, Banco Bpm, Ubi and Unicredit) have decided to deal exclusively with F2i, one of the four parties to have made an offer to buy the gas company. The largest independent Italian manager of infrastructure funds, which acts in consortium with Asterion, thus overcame the competition from A2A-Eph, Iren and Contourglobal.

The F2i project is create an energy pole, also bringing wind farms and biomass power plants as a dowry. In this way, Sorgenia would become a much larger company and could also plan to expand abroad. For now, however, the parties must continue the negotiations to close the deal by the end of January.

“This is a success story in which, together with Sorgenia, the Italian banking system is the protagonist – comments the CEO of Sorgenia, Gianfilippo Mancini – The agreement reached today rewards the courage to support a relaunch project whose outcome was by no means obvious. The great work done in recent years has allowed the group to return to generating significant profits (46 million in 2018) and to repay the banks over 650 million euros. Thanks to the contribution of over 400 MW of wind and biomass assets, the entry of F2i/Asterion will make it possible to immediately Sorgenia is also one of the main protagonists in the field of renewables, thus accelerating the development plan already envisaged by the company”.
