
Energy, Puglia: first steps towards decarbonisation

The law on regional energy saving was approved with a budget of 5,6 million euros. The sums already available for 2019, but the Implementing Regulation is missing

Energy, Puglia: first steps towards decarbonisation

Puglia wants to be the first truly decarbonised Italian region. More than 40% of national coal consumption is burned between Taranto and Brindisi, so we understand the effort that local politics is making to discount a different future. That percentage is destined to disappear from Italian energy statistics, provided that the law on regional energy income is truly applied. The Regional Council approved it unanimously with the first signatory being the 5 Star councilor, Antonio Tevisi. However, the regulation of access to income is missing. In fact, the criteria and methods for selecting the beneficiaries who will be able to access the first 5,6 million euros are not known. Money in theory already available for 2019 to give Puglia that recognition of a national record. The expectations on the territory, of course, are very high. And so far there is only one example of a similar measure adopted by the Municipality of Porto Torres in Sardinia. But in Puglia the law on the diffusion of renewables crosses other hot energy issues, such as the Tap pipeline and the Ilva of Taranto. 

In concrete terms, the system envisages that the Region purchases and makes available to the assignees photovoltaic systems for the roofs of the houses. Primarily disadvantaged people and condominiums. The machines will be given on loan for use with a dual purpose: combating poverty and developing renewables. Your electricity bill should go down within a couple of years. Whoever receives the systems will consume the energy produced by himself, but that which is not necessary for his own needs can be fed into the national grid. The assignee must sign the exchange contract with the GSE (Energy Services Manager) who will take this into account. The Region will enjoy the economic turnaround that will follow, ie in the event that the right to receive the exchange contribution from the GSE is triggered. However, the law provides that those sums will supplement the fund for new photovoltaic systems. A sort of compensation between public investments and collective benefits with repercussions on the agendas of plant manufacturers and installers. 

The Apulian energy breakthrough actually favors families in a state of poverty, large families and young couples. For condominium users, on the other hand, the regulation to be approved will indicate specific scores such as the number of apartments and more. Citizens, among other things, will not have to worry about the extraordinary maintenance of the facilities received on loan: the Region itself will take care of it. By virtue of a more general environmental principle, the Emiliano council, with the same law on income, also intends to reward those users who undertake to eliminate asbestos residues from the roofs where the photovoltaic systems will be located. A structural provision, in short, with good prospects but expected to be tested by the facts with the regulation to be issued. Only afterwards will we be able to say whether Puglia has really earned the record
