
Energy, Enel and SEforALL together for a greener future in Africa

On the fifth day of the historic COP26 climate conference, the new partnership to train and develop the next leadership of women and young people in the energy sector in Africa is born

Energy, Enel and SEforALL together for a greener future in Africa

SEforALL e Enel Foundation launch a new collaboration to create the next generation of leaders of energy sector In Africa. Leveraging two existing programs – Open Africa Power of the Enel Foundation and Women at the Forefront of SEforALL – the program will be co-managed with Open Africa Power and will include, together with technical training, mentoring and job support, with a significant increase in the participation of the women's quota .

In Africa, energy deficits and access tariffs are among the highest in the world: almost 600 million people still lack access. The goal of the new program launched by the two companies is to increase opportunities for young people and women in a country that has a great need to build the foundations for a brighter future planet and inclusive.

SEforALL's “Women at the Forefront” program supports women in the sustainable energy sector through technical training and mentoring. Recently, the organization working with the UN supported 100 women to complete technical training on the design and installation of solar energy systems and energy management provided by the Energy Research Center of Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya.

“This is a pivotal moment for the energy sector, where we need the talent, innovation and enthusiasm of women and young people on the front lines of the energy transition,” she said. Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative to the United Nations Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All -. As women and young people are hit hardest by energy deficits and the climate crisis, it is important to create opportunities for them to participate and lead the way in solutions that will create a more sustainable and equitable energy future."

Charles Pope, Managing Director of the Enel Foundation, underlined how “sharing knowledge through education and mentoring is a key lever to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 7. The people-centred energy transition must rely on a diverse group of talented and motivated experts. We are honored to join forces with SE4All as convergence is what matters in winning the race towards a clean energy future for all.”
