
Energy: Enea relaunches "Italy in class A", the program to promote savings and efficiency

To combat the energy crisis, a change in lifestyles and habits is also necessary - Dozens of initiatives to save energy - The role of Enea and expectations for the new government

Energy: Enea relaunches "Italy in class A", the program to promote savings and efficiency

The energy crisis is biting incomes and the bills of households and businesses will not drop again in the short term. For this reason, an information and training plan aimed at saving and efficiency can perhaps help. This is the opinion of Aeneas, who launched the National Information and Training Program (PIF) "Italy in class A“, which aims to promote a culture of energy efficiency among Italians. All within the framework of that PNRR within which the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) has planned various initiatives.

The PIF was presented in Rome by the President of ENEA, Gilberto Dialuce, in front of representatives of MiTE, Bank of Italy, Anci, Istat, University of Milan and Venice, GSE, managers and representatives of the Parliament. The next two years they will be crucial for turning the Italian system around, exposed – as we have seen in recent weeks – to energy turbulence of all kinds.

The ENEA program focuses on numerous initiatives

The activities of the Program will have innovation as a common thread, said Dialuce. They will start from the public administration involving companies, schools and citizens. The first year will be of testing, with actions and solutions to encourage a rational use of energy, but above all the containment of consumption through measures to support investments in the civil sector.

"In a context of energy crisis like the current one, information and training become crucial to increase commitment to a new culture of energy saving, encouraging a radical and lasting behavioral change", explained Dialuce.

Il the next government will have to put its hand to concessions on every front of the energy sector, if real results are to be obtained. The electoral campaign is behind us and the promises made by the centre-right must have real results. Also, it will have to to unlock authorizations for new investments. Operations such as tax deductions and the recovery of the building heritage will have to find adequate spaces. Public finance will have to find resources for Ecobonus, Sismabonus, Conto Termico, National Fund for Energy Efficiency, Redevelopment of buildings of the Central Public Administration (PREPAC) Efficiency program on the territories. In essence, we should continue in the path traced by the Draghi government.

In November the "Energy Efficiency Month", but also the "Women in Class A" program

Enea deploys its know-how as a National Agency for Energy Efficiency already expressed with the previous 2021-2023 Plan. The future of energy is renewables, but other regulatory or planning opportunities such as the 2021-2027 cohesion policies will not be overlooked. With the Anci and the mayors, there will be an emphasis on the formation of energy communities, visibly lagging behind in the North and in the South. Ilaria Bertini, director of the Department of Energy Efficiency, in the Roman meeting she highlighted that "these interventions and a more sustainable lifestyle must become structural if we want to complete the decarbonisation process".

Meanwhile, November will be “Energy Efficiency Month” with meetings in workplaces and schools. Two other stimulating projects are the DE-SIGN urban laboratory, dedicated to sustainable living, and "Women in Class A”, designed to strengthen the link between energy efficiency, science and support for gender policies. Finally, in the Opinion Leader section of "Italy in Class A", managers and citizens will be involved with an electronic platform to "welcome personalized content according to the user's category". A plan that we hope will not fail.
