
Energy and gas: agreement between Acea and WindTre

The Roman company and WindTre have signed a new partnership for the supply of electricity and gas. The agreement marks the telephone operator's debut in the energy market

Energy and gas: agreement between Acea and WindTre

Acea and WinTre join forces to offer new services to their customers. The two companies have signed an agreement to promote and market, starting from the sales points of the telecommunications operator in Veneto and Puglia, the electricity & gas offer distinguished by the brand “WindTre Luce & Gas powered by Acea Energia”.

The commercial agreement - reads a note - introduces a model of collaboration between the two companies aimed at enhancing the commercial potential of the WindTre brand and the solidity of ACEA Energia in the management of the electricity & gas service.

“This collaboration marks the debut of WINDTRE on a new market segment, that of energy – he commented Gianluca Corti, Chief Commercial Officer of WindTre-. This is an unprecedented partnership, which combines the capillarity of our sales network with the consolidated experience of Acea Energia, to provide customers in Veneto and Puglia with a portfolio of integrated services in a single, simple and effective solution".  

“We are very satisfied with this commercial agreement between two of the most important national companies in their respective sectors – he declared Valerio Marra, Chairman of Acea Energia – which will be able to create value for both partners and their respective customers. This agreement is perfectly in line with our company's strategic development plans, strengthening one of the most important commercial levers of the energy market: that of the sales channels”.  
