
Enel: Venturini will lead innovative services

The new Division is born which will deal with new businesses: electric mobility, home automation, Internet of things, public lighting.

Enel: Venturini will lead innovative services

Another piece of the reorganization at Enel is being completed: in all likelihood at the next meeting of the group's shareholders, called for May 4, the establishment of the new division for innovative services, other than electricity and gas, will be made official. It will be led by Francesco Venturini who is CEO of Enel Green Power (the global division for renewables) and Director of North America and Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia of the Enel Group.

The new division led by Venturini will be global (therefore it will operate in all the countries where Enel is present) and organized into various business lines, including electric mobility, home automation, the Internet of things, energy efficiency and public lighting, such as the CEO of Enel Francesco Starace had anticipated to FIRSTonline. He should take over from Venturini at the helm of EGP Antonello Cammisecra, current head of business development of EGP itself.
