Enel, away with single-use plastic from offices and plants


To celebrate World Environment Day, Enel is launching a process towards eliminating the use of single-use plastic in the group's administrative offices and production plants. The project counts on the involvement of around 26 thousand employees of the company in Italy, thus anticipating the application of the European directive - explains the company's press release - which provides for the ban on single-use plastic by 2021.

According to Enel's calculations, with this measure it will be possible to reduce the consumption of about 128 tons of plastic per year, equal to 246 tons of CO2, with a saving of water for 5548 cubic meters per year and 2,6 GWh of energy the year. On average, an employee consumes between 4 and 6 kilos of plastic a year. In particular, single-use plastic bottles sold in bars, refreshment points, as well as glasses in vending machines and food packaging will be eliminated.

To encourage the abandonment of plastic, each employee is receiving a water bottle which will be followed by the gradual replacement, in all Group offices throughout the area, of single-use plastic objects with recyclable or biodegradable materials such as paper and aluminium.

The process initiated by Enel will also be extended to its suppliers through the elimination of the use of single-use plastic for packaging, with the sole objective of being "plastic free".

The same choice has already been made by other large groups such as Terna.

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