
Enel is the first private company to become a founding member of the MAXXI Foundation

Enel is the first private entity to become a founding member of the MAXXI Foundation. This was announced by Patrizia Grieco, number one of the company and Giovanna Melandri, president of the MAXXI Foundation. – Minister Franceschini satisfied "virtuous collaboration between public and private in culture".

Enel is the first private company to become a founding member of the MAXXI Foundation

Enel is the first private individual to become a founding member of the MAXXI Foundation. The museum was inaugurated five years ago and is currently managed by a private law foundation set up by the Mibact, founder-promoter.

The announcement was made Giovanna Melandri, President of the MAXXI Foundation, and Patrizia Grieco, president of Enel, during today's press conference in the presence of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini. "I am very happy and satisfied with Enel's entry into the MAXXI Foundation - said Melandri - For me, who have always believed in the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in supporting culture, it is a fundamental step in the adventure undertaken when I took over the leadership of MAXXI"

Over the next three years, Enel will make a direct social contribution and will support the MAXXI Foundation in the museum's energy efficiency plan, a project aimed at reducing costs by over 40%, with the installation of high-energy LED light sources latest generation efficiency that will optimize energy and maintenance costs. It will be the same president Patrizia Grieco to represent Enel on the Board of Directors of the MAXXI Foundation. “We are extremely pleased to announce Enel's entry into the MAXXI Foundation, thanks to an innovative project which not only confirms Enel's commitment to promoting contemporary art but also allows the Museum to open up to new important challenges such as that of energy efficiency – underlines , Enel's number one – With this innovative collaboration Enel undertakes to make its contribution so that the most important pole of Italian contemporary art also becomes a showcase for narrating – through the universal language of art expertly dosed with elements of innovation – the ability to intelligently design and enhance a precious heritage such as a museum”.

Also thanks to the contribution of Enel, starting from Saturday 10 October, on the occasion of the XI Contemporary Art Day organized by AMACI (Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums), MAXXI will offer free entry for everyone, from Tuesday to Friday, to the Permanent Collection which will always be exhibited in Gallery 4, on the first floor of the museum.

Pleased with the deal also the minister Dario Franceschini, who comments: "Enel's entry into the MAXXI Foundation is a concrete example of the virtuous collaboration between the public and private sectors in culture."
