
Enel Open Fiber chooses Rosetti as CFO

The appointment, proposed by the CDP, will be evaluated by the Board of Directors on 16 February and will become effective from 1 March

Enel Open Fiber, the company that will install ultra-broadband fiber optics in 250 Italian cities, has identified the new financial director following the expression of the shareholder Cdp (which, according to the shareholders' agreements, is responsible for appointing the chairman and CFO in the person of Mario Rossetti.

An article in "Il Sole 24 Ore" reports it today, in which it is specified that the appointment will be evaluated by the Board of Directors on 16 February and will become effective from 1 March. Rossetti has extensive experience in the telecommunications sector: he began working at Omnitel in 1998 and was then one of the founders of Fastweb, of which he was CFO and director until 2007.
