
Enel, in 2016 tariff revenues of 4,55 billion

According to the company, the estimate for all of 2016 is "in line with the strategic plan presented in November" - "The decrease compared to the 6,4% expected in the two-year period 2014-2015 is substantially due to the reduction in interest rates", returns the note.

Enel, in 2016 tariff revenues of 4,55 billion

Based on the new regulatory framework established by the Energy Authority, for 2016 Enel estimates tariff revenues at 4,55 billion euros, "in line - reports the company note - with the strategic plan of the Enel Group presented in November 2015".

The value of invested capital recognized for regulatory purposes (RAB, Regulatory Asset Base) for the current year is expected to be 21 billion euros. In the three-year period 2016-2018, the rate of return on invested capital (WACC, Weighted Average Cost of Capital) was set at 5,6%. “The decrease compared to the 6,4% expected in the two-year period 2014-2015 is substantially due to the reduction in interest rates”, reports the note. 
