
Enel launches 5 billion bonds in the US: rain of orders

Requests exceeded 17 billion – Starace: “Orders from 400 investors” – The bond issue is the largest on the American market ever guaranteed by an Italian company.

Enel launches 5 billion bonds in the US: rain of orders

Enel Finance International, the Group's finance company controlled by Enel, has launched a multi-tranche bond issue on the US and international markets for institutional investors for a total of 5 billion dollars, equal to approximately 4,5 billion EUR.

The issue, guaranteed by Enel, received orders for 17 billion dollars, more than three times the amount offered. The value of the bond is the highest ever guaranteed by an Italian company on the American market.

“We are very happy with the great trust that the market has placed in Enel with orders for 17 billion dollars received from over 400 American and international investors – commented Francesco Starace, CEO and general manager of Enel – The interest in the bond underlines the appreciation of the market for our economic results and for the solid financial structure of the Group”.
