
Enel Green Power: Prime Minister Renzi and CEO Starace inaugurate wind and photovoltaic plants in Chile

Prime Minister Renzi and Enel CEO Francesco Starace inaugurate Enel Green Power's renewable energy plants in Chile: the Taltal wind farm, the Lalackama I and II photovoltaic plants, the Ollagüe hybrid plant and the Cerro Pabellón geothermal plant. The ceremony was also attended by Energy Minister Maxino Pacheco.

Enel Green Power: Prime Minister Renzi and CEO Starace inaugurate wind and photovoltaic plants in Chile

The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Chilean Energy Minister Máximo Pacheco, the Chief Executive Officer of the Enel Group, Francesco Starace and the country manager of Enel Green Power Chile, Salvatore Bernabei, have A series of Enel Green Power plants was inaugurated today in Chile (“EGP”), the green branch of the Group. These are found in the region of Antofagasta and include the Taltal wind farm, the two plants photovoltaic plants Lalackama I and II, the Ollagüe hybrid plant and the Cerro Pabellón geothermal power plant project, of which, in on the occasion of the event, EGP started drilling activities.

“The combination of these plants reflects the enormous wealth of 
natural resources of Chile” commented CEO Starace. "Such wealth, together with the institutional and regulatory stability of the country, it perfectly responds to enel's multi-technological vocation green power, with these investments we intend to contribute to diversification of the Chilean energy matrix in line with the government goals.

In Chile, Enel Green Power also manages the Talinay wind farms Poniente of 61 MW, of Talinay Oriente and Valle del los Vientos, both 90 MW, the hydroelectric plants of Pilmaiquen and Puillinque for a total of 92 MW, and the Diego de solar plants Almagro (36 MW) and Chañares (40 MW). The Enel Group is also in the country present in the generation, distribution and transmission of energy electricity and in the gas sector through Enersis and its subsidiaries, for almost 6.300 MW of installed capacity mainly from thermoelectric and hydroelectric and approximately 1,7 million customers.
