
Enel, Slovak government terminates contract with Slovenske Electrarne

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has announced the interruption of the management contract for the Gabickovo plant, placing the responsibilities on the Italian company – Enel remains in the window for the sale of Slovakian assets.

Enel, Slovak government terminates contract with Slovenske Electrarne

Enel and the Slovak government at loggerheads. At the center of the dispute is Slovenske Electrarne, a company 66% held by the Italian group and the remainder by the State: the Slovak government, in fact, has decided to terminate the contract for the management of the Gabickovo plant, to the majority shareholder.

This was announced by Prime Minister Robert Fico: "We have decided – he explained during a press conference – to interrupt the management contract for a 720 megawatt hydroelectric plant due to a transgression of the agreement". "We don't see any restructuring plan for the power station which has a duration of 20 years - continued Fico -, and 20 years have already passed".

Slovenske Elektrarne "firmly rejected the accusations made today by the Slovak prime minister", reserving the right to take legal action "pending the official notification on the allegations that have been addressed to us to evaluate a response". Furthermore, the Slovak company is one of the assets in the hands of Enel currently on the market. The Italian group has already received several offers for its sale.

Meanwhile, in the mid-afternoon, Enel shares retreated in Piazza Affari, dropping more than 1%, in line with the Italian stock market, which in the same minutes travels in largely negative territory. 
