
Enel Goiás is the energy distributor with the best evolution in Brazil

Since 2017, the year in which Enel took control of the distribution company operating in the state of Goiás, Enel Goiás has invested about 3,5 times more than it previously did when the company was under state control.

Enel Goiás is the energy distributor with the best evolution in Brazil

Enel wins an award in Brazil, one of the markets where it is most present. To be precise, Enel Distribuição Goiás, the distribution company operating in the State of Goiás (in the center of the green-gold country) has been recognized for the second consecutive year as the energy distribution company with the best evolution in Brazil, by the Associação Brasileira de Distribuidores de Energia Elétrica (Abradee). The award ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI), in Brasília.

The Abradee award is given on the basis of quality of service, of social and environmental responsibility, operational management, economic-financial management and assessments assigned directly by customers. Enel Goiás is the company that has shown the best progress in all indicators compared to the previous year. Enel Distribuição São Paulo, the distribution company operating in the state of São Paulo acquired by the Enel Group in 2018, was also among the finalists in the category relating to operational management.

Starting from 2017, the year in which Enel took control of the distribution company operating in the state of Goiás, Enel Goiás has invested about 3,5 times more than previously when the company was under state control. In fact, between 2017 and 2018 the company invested more than 1,5 billion Reais thanks to which it was possible to obtain an improvement in the quality indexes certified by Aneel, the National Electricity Agency. The quality level of the electricity service in March 2019 is the best in the company's history.
