
Enel and Eni towards 15% of Poweo

According to an indiscretion from the French newspaper Journal du Dimanche, the two companies would be interested in buying a share of the transalpine producer of renewable energies – The negotiations would have already started, but still at a preliminary stage.

Enel and Eni towards 15% of Poweo

Expenses in sight for Enel, which may be interested in buying 15% of Poweo, a French producer of alternative energies, from the Austrian Verbund. The same investment could also be of interest to Eni. This is supported by the transalpine newspaper Journal du Dimanche, which underlines how the negotiations could already have begun, even though they are still at a preliminary stage. It is probable that the deal will be closed only in a few months.

The same source reveals that Poweo is also in talks with competitor Direct Energie to sell its wind and solar assets for €50 million. The indiscretions naturally had weight in Piazza Affari, where shortly after 15 pm Enel's shares gained 0,56% and Eni's 0,9%. Enel Green Power, on the other hand, did badly, falling by 0,31%.

In February 2011 Verbund bought 60% of Poweo Production from the Poweo group, coming to hold the entire capital. Last year the French company recorded a net loss of 133,4 million euros under the effect of heavy extraordinary charges. The situation has not improved in recent months due to government policy, which has established very high prices for nuclear energy. Businesses thus remained in deficit.
