
Enel, Conti: 2011 ends well

The managing director confirms: "We have reached the targets, sometimes even exceeding them, such as for the gross operating margin" – "Positive results despite the fact that the economy is not growing and this encourages us to view the future with optimism".

Enel, Conti: 2011 ends well

“Il 2011 closes in a positive way. We have reached the targets, sometimes even exceeding them, such as for EBITDA”. This is the announcement of Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel. The results were achieved “both thanks to the significant contribution of Enel Green Power and the main markets of South America and the East where we made important investments. We keep the margins where we are leaders”.

Finally, Conti underlined how 2011 was "a complicated year", but during which Enel became "stronger and this allows us to guarantee value to shareholders" thanks to "geographical and technological diversification". Enel has achieved “positive results and margins that are growing despite the fact that the economy is not growing and this encourages us to view the future with optimism”, concluded Conti.
