
Enel closes 2021 accounts with 22,3 billion more revenues

The strong leap forward in revenues due to the recovery in electricity demand and the capital gain on the sale of Open Fiber. Ordinary Ebitda over 19 billion

Enel closes 2021 accounts with 22,3 billion more revenues

Enel has published the preliminary budget 2021. The accounts record a revenue jump by 33,8% to 88,3 billion. A real leap forward compared to the 66 billion of 2020. This is 22,3 billion more which also incorporates the capital gain of 1,7 billion realized with the sale of 50% of Open Fiber to CDP and the Macquarie Fund which took place last December.

THEEbitda it rises to 17,6 billion from the previous 16,9 billion and ordinary Ebitda amounts to 19,2 billion, an increase of 1,2 billion euros (+6,7%) compared to 18 billion in 2020.

THEfinancial debt rises further (+14,5%) due to the payment of dividends and the investments that the group has underway in the energy transition: 52,2 billion against the 45,4 recorded in 2020. Growth was also affected by purchase of a new stake in the capital of Enel Americas.

Going into detail, the note released by Enel to the stock exchange closed on Thursday evening specifies that the driving force behind the recovery and the consequent increase in consumption, after the year of the lockdown, had a positive impact on Infrastructures and networks as a result of the increased electricity transported; good too Enel Green Power for the greater production of energy from renewable sources. Revenues are up Final markets for higher sales in Italy and Latin America and revenues from Thermoelectric Generation and Trading due to the increase in the quantities of electricity and gas sold and due to the increased activities of commodities trading ain relation to contracts with physical delivery.

The increase in revenues - notes Enel's note - more than offset the negative exchange rate effect "mainly in Latin America".

The texture of the staff at the end of 2021 it is equal to 66.279 units (66.717 units at the end of 2020). The group produced a total of 222 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2021, of which 174,6 abroad and distributed 510,3 TWh on its networks, about half abroad. As for sales, 216,7 Twh out of a total of 309,4 now take place outside Italy.
