
Enel Americas was born on December 1, the round of mergers closed

The South American subsidiaries of the Enel Group, Enersis Américas SA, Endesa Américas SA and Chilectra Américas SA, have officially signed the document certifying the fulfillment of the conditions precedent to which the merger by incorporation was subject.

Enel informs that the subsidiaries Enersis Americas SA, Endesa Americas SA and Chilectra Americas SA. have announced that they have signed the document certifying the fulfillment of the conditions precedent to which the merger by incorporation of Endesa Américas and Chilectra Américas in Enersis Américas was subordinated.

According to the resolutions of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings of the three South American companies held on 28 September, the merger will take effect from next December XNUMXst, the date from which Enersis Americas will change its corporate name to Enel Americas. 

Taking into account the withdrawals exercised by shareholders and the acceptances received in the tender offer launched by Enersis America on the float of Endesa Americas, Enel will indirectly own, as a result of the merger, 51,8% of Enel Americas. 

The operation falls within the corporate reorganization process of the Enel Group in Latin America, a process which aims to separate the electricity generation and distribution activities carried out in Chile from those developed in the other Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru).
