
Enav: the government approves the listing

The project is to sell a minority share of the package held by the Ministry of the Economy up to a maximum of 49% of the share capital and through the use of a public sale offer

The Council of Ministers has given the go-ahead for the listing of up to 49% of Enav's capital. This is learned from the note released by Palazzo Chigi at the end of the meeting.

"Following the notification by the Company Enav - reads the text - of the resolution of the Company's Board of Directors approving the project for the listing of Enav shares on the electronic stock market, aimed at the sale of a minority stake of the package held by the Ministry of the Economy up to a maximum of 49% of the share capital and through recourse to a public sale offer, the Presidency of the Council carried out the preliminary investigation envisaged by the regulations in force for the possible exercise of the power veto and concluded that there are no contraindications to the operation with regard to the protection of the strategic interests of the State, imposing specific prescriptions".

The Board therefore resolved to "accept the listing operation - the note continues - and instructed the Company to identify governance tools to protect the integrity of the information, with the adoption of measures aimed at regulating the obligation of confidentiality to protect access and confidentiality of sensitive data for State security purposes. These measures must be submitted to the prior approval of the national safety authority”.
