
Pd amendment: Italicum since 2016, Mattarellum if you vote first

This was established by an amendment to the electoral law presented today in the Constitutional Affairs commission at Palazzo Madama by some senators of the Democratic Party: "It is a safeguard clause".

Pd amendment: Italicum since 2016, Mattarellum if you vote first

“The Italicum enters into force on 1 January 2016. In the transitional period from the approval of the electoral law to its effective validity, the Mattarellum is restored”. This is established by an amendment to the electoral law presented today in the Constitutional Affairs commission at Palazzo Madama by the senators of the Democratic Party Stefano Collina, Andrea Marcucci and Francesco Verducci.

“If we really have to provide for a safeguard clause – say the parliamentarians – we believe that the Mattarellum responds perfectly to the requirements indicated by the Consulta and interprets the need to strengthen the country's governance much better. We are discussing a clause that will not come into force, the Renzi government needs to reach the natural end of the legislature to verify the effects of the reforms it has started. The proposed amendment is a stimulus that we offer to the political forces so that they do not waste time and proceed within the established times to approve constitutional reforms and Italicum".
