What a shame the violence of Police of Verona, it's not the stuff of marital status. The guarantees impose rigorous checks on what happened in Verona but, if the hypotheses of crime were definitively confirmed, "exemplary punishments" are needed and it is also necessary that the "crime of torture” for those who “by wearing a uniform commit crimes against the person”. The Cucchi case is unforgettable and the vulgar words of the agent Best they are unbearable. But be careful: no fuss and "no generalizations" because "out of 95 members of the State Police, we are talking about twenty people involved in the Verona investigation". In other words: the State Police is a healthy body, but this does not exclude that there are bad apples that must be severely punished. Who speaks thus from the columns of "The Reformist" is Emmanuel Fiano, former deputy for four legislatures and former security manager of the Democratic Party. Exemplary words that deserve applause and which the Meloni government would also do well to take note of which, after "much talk" during the electoral campaign, has not yet started a dialogue with the State Police. But so far the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi it turned out to be a real disappointment.
Emanuele Fiano, punish the violence of the Police of Verona and maintain the crime of torture but without fuss
When police officers or managers make mistakes, they deserve "exemplary punishments" but one cannot generalize. It would rather be time for Interior Minister Piantedosi to wake up and start a serious dialogue with the police