
US elections, here's how Wall Street funds candidates

The world of US finance has already invested over 115 million dollars in donations for the candidates in the elections – Soros is with Hillary Clinton, Singer with Rubio and Mercer with Cruz – the opposite fates of Sanders and Bush.

US elections, here's how Wall Street funds candidates

The US elections, now grappling with the long run of the primaries, have also always been a question of money. Those that from the Super Pacs, the political committees that have no limits in the amounts collected in favor of the candidates and which can also be financed by companies, flow into the electoral coffers of the various candidates.
A race for funding with its dark sides, such as the risk that such huge donations could direct the politics of the not indifferent candidates and in which it is easy to find the hand of the giants of Wall Street: 115 of the 290 million collected overall by the various candidates would, in fact, come from the world of finance.
Taking the lion's share is George Soros, perhaps the best-known speculator of his time, who donated 8 million dollars to the Super Pac pros Hillary Clinton. Moreover, that there was a direct line between the two is also proven by the various emails exchanged and disseminated in recent days as part of the mailgate involving the democratic candidate.
Paul Singer, on the other hand, bet his chips, $2,5 million, on Marco Rubio, deeming him the only possible candidate to beat Clinton. Robert Mercer's donations to Ted Cruz amount to 11 million, who supports one of the causes closest to the heart of the manager of Renaissance Technologies, that of the return to the gold standard, or the convertibility of the dollar into gold.
Opposite fates for Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush. Sanders, largely ignored by the Super Pacs, is still in the running, albeit as an underdog, for the Democratic nomination, while Jeb Bush, who has received the most donations of all, seems already cut out of the Republican seat. Just to show that money doesn't always bring happiness.
