
ELECTIONS – If Rai is the mirror of political changes, Berlusconi is doomed

In his television column Aldo Grasso writes in the "Corriere della Sera" that if even Rai - as Giletti did on Sunday - rises up in the face of the intrusiveness of the Cavaliere, it means that from the parts of state television, always attentive to political changes, they consider Berlusconi electorally doomed.

ELECTIONS – If Rai is the mirror of political changes, Berlusconi is doomed

The "A fil di rete" column that a television critic of Aldo Grasso's level keeps every day in the "Corriere della Sera" is one of the most pleasant readings that can be done in the morning in Italian newspapers, usually not inclined to go against the tide. But often Grasso's observations are not only caustic but offer food for thought that go far beyond the small screen and intertwine with the cultural and political trends of our country.

Yesterday Grasso asked himself, shrewdly, what it means that even journalists who are not usually lionhearted believe that the time has come not to always and only say yes to Silvio Berlusconi's indecent intrusiveness on all television channels and arise as happened to Domenico Massimo Giletti. 

"In this return of Rieccolo (ed. ie Berlusconi) - writes Grasso - there was an aspect overlooked, perhaps misunderstood". Which is this: "Rai has always been the thermometer of political changes in Italy and if someone like Massimo Giletti, who grew up in this behavioral school that is Viale Mazzini, if someone like Massimo Giletti, a hero by chance, allowed himself to reply to Berlusconi only means that in those parts they give up Rieccolo”. Wise observation that has escaped most political scientists and political commentators.
