
Regional and municipal elections: vote postponed to autumn

The Council of Ministers has decided to postpone the elections - For the Regional elections possible between 9 August and 1 November, for the municipal ones between 15 September and 15 December

Regional and municipal elections: vote postponed to autumn

The administrative elections are postponed to autumn, while for the regional ones it will be possible to go to vote between mid-August and the beginning of November. Too dangerous to do it sooner, even if the coronavirus emergency is slowly getting back under control and phase 2 is almost upon us. This was decided by the Government in the context of a meeting of the Council of Ministers held on the morning of 20 April. As reported by theHandle, the Executive would have identified a window of three and a half months, from the end of August to mid-December, within which it will be possible to vote for the renewal of the administrative and regional bodies.

We recall that there are seven Regions, affected by the postponement, which should have voted in the spring to renew their top management: Veneto, Liguria, Campania, Tuscany, Marche, Puglia and Valle D'Aosta. On the other hand, more than a thousand Municipalities are affected by the postponement decided by the Government. 

The Regions called upon to renew their Executives and Regional Councils will therefore have to continue to wait, despite the fact that on the eve of the hypotheses there was also leave it to the Governors to choose whether to vote in July – as desired by the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, and by that of Liguria, Giovanni Toti – or in the autumn. However, the hypothesis faded due to the opposition of some ministers, first of all the head of Health, Roberto Speranza according to whom it would have been unthinkable to campaign between June and July, with the danger of activating new outbreaks of Covid-19.

The Government has therefore decided to extend the deadline of the regional councils to 31 August, with possible elections in the previous four weeks and the following 60 days. The identified window therefore runs from 9 August to 1 November. However, it is difficult to imagine that the Governors call citizens to the polls in the height of summer, although it is equally difficult to think of holidays under an umbrella or in the mountains. Instead, it is more probable that the vote coincides with the municipal elections, whose window has been set between 15 September and 15 December.
