
Closest elections after the Consulta: late spring or autumn?

Renzi's Democratic Party, the League and the 5 Star Movement are pushing to get to the vote as soon as possible after the pronouncement of the Consulta which said that the electoral law, without the ballot and with the drawing of lots for multiple candidates, "can be immediately applied" – Berlusconi, the dem left and the centrists are holding back but the last word belongs to President Mattarella.

Closest elections after the Consulta: late spring or autumn?

"We deal with everyone, but now the electoral law exists" rejoices the secretary of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi who sees the political elections closer after the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court on the Italicum which rejected the ballot, saving the (theoretical) prize 40%, the solution of multiple candidacies was entrusted to the draw but the whole of the plant was approved. Above all, the Consulta underlined that the electoral law is immediately applicable.

The verdict of the Court is a boost to those who want to vote as soon as possible and that is to Renzi, who proposes to correct the Italicum with the Mattarellum or - in the absence of political agreements - to go to the polls with the current laws revised and corrected according to the opinion of the Consulta, to Salvini's League, to Meloni's Brothers of Italy and to Grillo's 5 Star Movement.

On the other hand, Forza Italia, the dem left (which will do battle in the Democratic Party and its parliamentary groups) and the centrist parties, which would prefer to seek an agreement on a new electoral law and gain time until the end of 2017 or even the natural expiry of the legislature, are holding back in 2018.

But the decisive word belongs to the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella who, as always, will be respectful of the point of view of Parliament and of the political forces, but who has already previously made it known that before going to the vote, the electoral law must be adjusted according to Consult and comply with international appointments.

According to the Quirinale it would be preferable to vote in the autumn after the German elections, according to Renzi, Lega and M5S already in the spring. We'll see how it turns out.
