
Elections Greece: Syriza takes the lead, Samaras focuses on fear

Greece in the electoral campaign after the dissolution of Parliament - The failure to elect the new Head of State is fatal - It will be a challenge between the outgoing premier Antonis Samaras and the Syriza party led by Alexis Tsipras

Elections Greece: Syriza takes the lead, Samaras focuses on fear

La Greece is at a crossroads. In less than a month we will know if the Greek country will keep the line 'for euros' dictated by the outgoing premier Antonis Samaras or he will be convinced by the line against the Troika and European economic policies heralded by the party leader Syriza driven by Alexis Tsipras. The match in elections in Greece it is between them two: Samaras against Tsipras. Greece will have to choose and has less than a month to decide. From what we read in the Greek newspapers, most of the population would have avoided the next electoral round. But the failed election of the new president of the Republic in Greece caused the formal dissolution of the Greek Parliament with the further consequence of early elections for the formation of a new government. The date to mark on the calendar is that of 25st January but the electoral campaign has already started.

Alexis Tsipras' party, Syriza, is ahead in the polls, a sign that the anti-European temptation and the desire to abandon the rigid rules imposed by the Troika prevails in the moods of Greek citizens. Samaras acts of remittance e focus on the fear effect to convince the many undecided voters to vote for his New Democracy, avoiding very uncertain scenarios.

On the occasion of a meeting with the President of the Greek Republic, Karolos Papoulias, the outgoing premier Antonis Samaras has already entered the electoral campaign climate and has made a new heartfelt appeal to the citizens: "The people do not want these elections, which are not necessary but which they will have to take place due to the personal interests of the parties, thus determining the permanence of Greece in the euro”.
