
Elections: the right collapses, Raggi ko, the Democratic Party is doing well, Rome is an open city

Turnout in sharp decline in the first round of the administrative elections - The center-right loses ground, winning only in Calabria and goes to three ballots - Ballot between Michetti and Gualtieri in Rome where the defeat of Raggi, finished in fourth place and also overtaken by Calenda, is heavy - The center-left wins hands down in Milan, Bologna and Naples - Calenda comes third - Letta elected deputy in Siena

Elections: the right collapses, Raggi ko, the Democratic Party is doing well, Rome is an open city

From the partial but already consolidated results of this administrative elections, in which dozens of provincial capitals voted including Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna and Naples, as well as the Calabria Region and the supplementary elections in Tuscany and again in Rome, above all emerges a given: the center-right did not break through, indeed it went badly, confirming itself in Calabria e snatching the ballot only in Rome and Turin, where however (on paper) he could start underdog. Lega and Fratelli d'Italia will also be the first parties in the national polls, but in the big cities (Sunday and Monday almost 13 million Italians still had the opportunity to vote, not exactly a few) they don't work: Bernardo's flop in Milan , where Sala swept in the first round, but it went even worse in Bologna and Naples, where the coalition was literally humiliated by Lepore and Manfredi. In Rome, Michetti finished the first round with an advantage and will be head-to-head in 15 days with Roberto Gualtieri: the Pd candidate beats the outgoing mayor Virginia Raggi who ends up knocked out, also overtaken by Carlo Calenda, however, author of a good result finishing third in the final rush, with results largely in double figures.

The centre-left therefore locks down Milan, Naples and Bologna, and holds back the advance of the right in Rome and Turin, where it will go to the second round with good chances for the Democratic Party to bring the mayor home, especially if the alliance with the 5 Stars that worked so well for example in Naples (but also in Bologna) were to be repeated in those ballots. The center-left, and in particular the Democratic Party, could even make the en plein among the regional capitals, even if in reality the center-right passes in Trieste, as well as in the Calabria Region, where Occhiuto wins hands down. Regarding Trieste, it is worth mentioning the disturbing good performance of the 3 V Movement, that of the No Vax, which exceeds 3% of the votes. Also in Milan Gianluigi Paragone with his Italexit which is No Green Pass is close to 3%, a sign that the pandemic has created an electoral space, albeit a very small one. In any case, from the data available so far and pending the ballots where there will be, the winners of this round are the center-left and above all the Pd, which among other things also wins the supplementary of Siena where the secretary was a candidate for a vacant seat in the Chamber Enrico Letta.

Unfortunately, another protagonist of these Municipalities was the abstention, almost everywhere to the historical record, especially in big cities. In Milan less than half of the voters voted, it had never happened before but the outgoing and reconfirmed mayor Beppe Sala provided an interpretation that gives an idea: fewer people voted, but he got 40.000-50.000 more votes. testifying to the fact that it was mainly right-wing voters or those of the 5 Star Movement who did not go to vote.

Updated Tuesday October 5th at 10:50am
