
Administrative elections 26 May 2019: here are the main challenges

In addition to the European elections, local elections will be held on Sunday in the Piedmont Region and in thousands of Municipalities: from Bergamo to Potenza, via Florence

Administrative elections 26 May 2019: here are the main challenges

From the Piedmont Region to the Municipalities of Bergamo and Campobasso, passing above all through Florence, Perugia, Livorno and many others. Sunday May 26th you will not just vote for the European ones: 17 million Italians will be called to the polls also for the administrative elections. In all, there are 15 Municipalities with more than 232 inhabitants where elections will take place in the first round. There are 3.580 smaller Municipalities, where elections will take place in a single round.

In Piemonte the challenge for the outgoing governor, Sergio Chiamparino, is difficult but not impossible. In the only Northern Region led by the Democratic Party, the League has a stellar advantage in the polls for the European elections, but on the administrative front it seems that the dem candidate is catching up. However, the favorite remains Alberto Cirio, an exponent of Forza Italia close to the Carroccio positions.

A Florence, fiefdom of Matteo Renzi, the match is similar: the outgoing mayor Dario Nardella (Pd) has to deal with the Northern League Ubaldo Bocci, officially supported by the center-right and unofficially also by Denis Verdini. In the event of a runoff, the re-election of Nardella - who in fact hopes to win in the first round - would not be at all obvious, because the votes of the 5 Star Movement (which is Roberto De Blasi's candidate) could converge above all on Bocci.

The same pattern is repeated in other important cities:

  • Bari: the outgoing dem mayor, Antonio De Caro, challenges Pasquale di Rella (Brothers of Italy);
  • Bergamo: Giorgio Gori (Pd, outgoing mayor) against Giacomo Stucchi (Lega);
  • Campobasso: Antonio Battista (Pd) against Maria Domenica D'Alessandro (centre-right);
  • Potenza: Bianca Andretta (Article 1 Mdp, Pd, +Europe) against Mario Guarente (League).   

A Livornohowever, the grillina candidate Stella Sorgente, a member of the outgoing mayor Nogarin's council, is favored. Her opponents are Luca Salvetti, from the centre-left, and Andrea Romiti, from the Brothers of Italy.

A Cagliari (the only city in which the polls will open on 16 June) another challenge is looming between the centre-left (Francesca Ghirra) and the centre-right (Paolo Truzzu), because the M5S has forbidden the use of the symbol to Alessandro Murenu, guilty of having taken sides against the law 194.  

Finally, a Perugia the outgoing mayor is the forzista Andrea Romizi, who starts as the favorite in the challenge with the centre-left journalist Giuliano Giubilei.
