Electronic identity card and Spid: all the news from March

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From March XNUMX, public bodies such as Municipality e Regions must also allow access to their digital services with the electronic identity card (There is). The novelty was introduced with the Simplifications decree launched in September and adds a new element to the digitization of the public administration after PagoPa and Spid. From 1 March 2021, in fact, it will no longer be possible to obtain a new PIN (the secret number to be entered to access public administration services). You will need to have the Spid (the public digital identity system). Some administrations, such as the'Inps, they started the transition already in October, but not all of them are up to date. And still many Municipalities are unable to issue the electronic identity card despite the obligation to accept it for access to services. But let's see the main news point by point.

As of today, they are approx 19 million citizens in possession of a Cie, which, as explained by the Viminale, "is the only access document to the digital services of the PA guaranteed by the Italian State, as it is issued by the Ministry of the Interior and created by the State Printing Office and Mint with the highest technological standards, which make it one of the most secure documents in Europe”.

Beyond the local authorities, 241 public administrations they already accepted the electronic identity card as a credential for accessing digital services. The list includes Inps, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labour, the Police, Aifa, Agcom, the Revenue Agency and Mibact.

To use the Cie – valid throughout Europe – you don't need a password, but an eight-digit Pin which is obtained in two stages: the first part is released upon request for the document, the second upon delivery.

It is possible to apply to the Municipality to obtain the Cie without waiting for the expiry of the old card. Delivery, which can take place in the public office or at home, is expected within six working days.  

Always with the aim of promoting the digitization of the PA, from March Poste Italiane simplifies the procedure for obtaining it Speed, the public digital identity system that is used to access many services (from the pre-compiled 730 model to cashback, passing through the electronic health record). Just download the free app PosteID, record a short video and send a bank transfer of one euro which will then be returned.

To take advantage of this service, you don't need to be a customer of the post office banking services: you just need an Italian passport or an electronic identity card (which will be shown in the video together with your face). Alternatively, those who have a National Service Card or a digital signature can register from the portal posteid.poste.it and activate your identity in minutes by following the prompts.

We remind you that the Spid is necessary to be accredited on Io, the App through which (but not only) it is possible to participate in thecashback operation wanted by the Conte2 government to stimulate purchases with credit cards and ATMs.

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