
Electronic fuel bill 1st July, Di Maio: "Ok extension"

Faced with the strike called by petrol stations for June 26, the Minister of Development announces that the extension they have requested will be granted. The Economy Minister, on the other hand, had kept an eye on the novelty introduced by the Budget law to combat VAT evasion and fraud on petrol and diesel

Electronic fuel bill 1st July, Di Maio: "Ok extension"

Electronic invoicing for fuel will start on July 1st. Or maybe not. The about-face comes from the Minister of Development and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio: "We are working with Minister Tria to postpone electronic invoicing to 2019 January 26". "The gas station attendants are right about this" who, against the July XNUMXst deadline and for an extension, have called a nationwide strike for the whole day of June XNUMXth, on the eve of the deadline.

The best Italian tradition is therefore confirmed: in the face of an obligation envisaged by the 2018 Budget law (approved at the end of 2017 and therefore with all the time necessary to prepare for the new fulfilment), on the threshold of the deadline, the pressure of the categories involved starts, with strike against innocent motorists. And if the Minister of the Economy – provided that what is stated in the communiqué of the petrol stations adhering to Faib ConfesercentiFegica Cisl e Figisc/Anisa Confcommercio – had tried to stem the requests, so Minister Di Maio opens the doors wide to an extension to 1 January 2019.


The logic of the budget law was clear: to combat tax evasion and VAT fraud on fuel. The old fuel card in which the distributor indicated the quantity of fuel purchased by the owner of the car, truck or even scooter (specifying the vehicle number plate) lent itself to more than one "error" as to the truthfulness of the data entered. For this reason, the budget law provided for bringing forward the electronic invoicing obligation for distributors to 1 July. The latter would thus be required, from that date, to issue electronic invoices to taxpayers who purchase fuel (petrol or diesel) for business activity (therefore not for private consumption). The obligation also applies to the services of subcontractors and subcontractors in contracts "for the procurement of works, services or supplies stipulated with a public administration", as specified in the circular from the Revenue Agency published on 30 April. Payments must also be made by bank or cashier's check or by credit or debit card (Bancomat).


The advance payment of the 2018 electronic fuel bill to 1 July refers only to automotive engines. Therefore, for example, the transfers of petrol for engines that are part of generating sets, heating systems, various tools, gardening tools and so on are excluded. The exclusion is only temporary and is valid until 31 December 2018. From 1 January, in fact, the electronic invoicing obligation is triggered for everyone.

But now the game is reopened. We will see in the coming days if the line of the Minister of Development Di Maio or that of the Minister of Economy Tria passes. Times are now very tight.

