
Elections: environment and climate change do not make a breakthrough in the campaign for the European elections

The Pavia Observatory monitored the interventions of Italian leaders on environmental issues. There is practically no difference between the government and the opposition

Elections: environment and climate change do not make a breakthrough in the campaign for the European elections

There are 11 of them like the players on a football team. They are playing at electing a Parliament (the European one) but they are not prepared to win. The public (millions of voters) expects goals (environment, green transition in particular) in a very large door (5 years between Brussels and Strasbourg) and to enjoy a festive atmosphere (so to speak!). Nothing, just one player sees (speaks, but only a little) the door and tries to do (say) something useful. Who are these eleven champions? Angelo Bonelli, Carlo Calenda, Giuseppe Conte, Nicola Fratoianni, Riccardo Magi, Giorgia Meloni, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Matteo Renzi, Matteo Salvini, Elly Schlein, Antonio Tajani. In dribbling (and in much else) Conte is very poor compared to Renzi. Both showed themselves to the public, without scruples with the ball at their feet. But what game should these gentlemen play together? That of the fight against climate change and a good energy transition. Do they have fans? Few.

The 11 are Italian leaders and ministers who care about environmental issues, the circular economy, the climate... "who cares" (© Melons). Only Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment, occasionally steps out of the fray to say what he intends to do to make Italy (touch the ball) a less polluted country, with more renewables, fewer emissions. But he has been training for 19 months.

The team, however, was observed by a quality technician: the Pavia Observatory on behalf of the boss Greenpace Italy. Yes, the nice critics, deserving of turbo-environmentalism. The team was studied in depth in 98 evening editions (matches) of the Rai, Mediaset, La7 news programs and in 57 episodes of the main in-depth programs (noisy derbies) to record whether and how it treated the distressing topic. No, disappointing performance. Only in 8% of cases did our (returnable) samples mention the climate and in 4% did they talk about actual global warming. Outside the television studios (playing field) there are obviously floods, overflows, droughts, premature deaths, increases in PM10. “Who cares 2″ (always © Melons)

Surprised, but not too much

The surprise of the public (voter) at this point becomes disconcerting, despite the fact that a vintage green player, Angelo Bonelli, in the Observatory's list is in second place for eloquence climate after Pichetto Fratin. He saved the identity (push midfielder) because he is evergreen, since the time of the institute for surveyors. The Pavia observation was made in the first two weeks of May election campaign already underway and with the people already limp, while the video on the big screens shows them not staying at home and enjoying (sic!) the pro Brussels-Strasbourg match.

And the two big forwards excluded from the evening retreat (comfortable changing room). Bruno Vespa? Elly Schlein gets by with 7,8% of environmental declarations, Giorgia Meloni reaches just 3,4% and had not yet reached Howdy Vincenzo De Luca in Caivano, maybe there was a one-two that would increase his percentage. The two ladies did not train enough or relied on poor athletic trainers. “The second one you said!” (© Corrado Guzzanti). Come on, let's be serious. They are the great absentees from the debate on climate and environment, they comment from the Observatory. “Most of Italian politics seems completely indifferent to the climate crisis and the actions needed to stop it,” he says Federico Spadini of Greenpeace Italy.

The ministers present in the team, in the rare times they address the topic, talk about an abstract Italian way to the green transition that would help Italian industry. Ball in the stands. It is Matteo Salvini who makes the game tactics (election campaign) clear to us. As soon as he can, he distances himself from all his companions and runs to write on Facebook "NO to the madness of the green ideology, YES to common sense and concreteness!". Then he comes back on the field and he doesn't think about winning at all. Like the other 10. Championship ended badly.

